Best Tip on How to Find a Great Tailor?

God made Mens, Tailor make them Gentlemen.  But how do you find such tailor that make you real gentlemen here is the best tip on how to find a perfect Tailor for you? The man who looks amazing in suits there is always an unsung hero: The Tailor.

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First, Ask Around:

Before going to search on the web “best tailor” ask your friends or the best suited guy next to you. Ask for his tailor’s info. Pay it forward later. And please, never, ever go for a dry cleaner to do alterations for custom made suits. That’s like buying the boxed sushi at a CVS.

When in Doubt, Show and Tell

Take a photo of best suits whenever you find there’s no shame in bringing a photo to help explain exactly what you’re after. Maybe a photo torn from a magazine. One packed with absurdly well-dressed men.

Know This: He’s a Tailor, Not a Magician

It is very good to see that some people kept Grandpa’s old blazer. But your tailor isn’t Manish Malhotra—old suits shoulders and lapels can’t handle much, if any, alteration. (If they don’t already work for you, they never will.) As Prateek, owner of Jodhpur Tailor online store, told us: The best tailor is an honest one.

Good Work Costs Good Money

Before sewing or altering your suits ask about the cost and time so you’re not surprised later on. A tidy hem should be no less than $15; slimming a suits-jacket might run upwards of $50 to $70. As Jodhpur Tailors says, “If a Tailor charges you $2 for a tidy hem, don’t expect anything more from them. It’s gonna be crappy.” You shelled out $100 for pants—and five or ten (or 50) times that on a suit—so don’t cheap out now.

Check Their Work

Do not hesitated go in and ask to see something they just altered. It might seem fussy, but a good tailor should be proud of their work.

Specializing in custom menswear:

Always look for tailors that advertise as they are specialization in custom and tailored made suits.


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